we are biology

Life Contains These Things

Shining shimmering splendid

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Summer is just around the corner.  Mid-spring is still in the air and I can literally smell it.  I don’t mind extending my 30-minute walks with my dog, especially in the morning, when the smell of blossoms and pine sprig fill the air.  I think my walking companion has been noticing it too — beagles, what with their strong sense of smell, are bound to be caught up in the newness of spring.  He stops every so often to sniff little plants or newly cut grass, and he really takes his time, as if to satisfy his curiosity or appreciate the unfamiliar yet pleasant fragrances around him.  Sometimes, you’d also catch him with his nose high up in the air, as if sniffing for something that smells rather strange to him.  It’s quite cute.

blowing-dandelionMy landlord was mowing the lawn this afternoon.  My windows were pushed open and the smell of newly cut grass instantly filled my small living room.  It was so relaxing.

Everyone’s turning on their sprinklers as well, and you could see little buds beginning to open up;  ours are randomly scattered throughout the backyard — bursts of yellows and oranges and pinks.  The apricot tree hasn’t produced its fruit yet, but I’m sure that in a few weeks, it will.  I wish I could take part in the yummy feast, but the birds usually get first dibs, which I don’t mind either.

Dandelions begin to cover the borders of our lawn.  When I was a kid, I used to think that the dandelion was the most magical little plant, and I would search high and low for it whenever I got the chance, hoping to get to blow on it and watch its little florets dance in the air.

This summer, I will be in the Philippines.  It will be a totally different scenario, from the rolling green hills of the suburb to the pleasant roar of the waves sliding to and fro against the powder white sand.  It’ll be just as shining shimmering splendid, and I absolutely can’t wait. 🙂

Written by Karla Mercado

May 6, 2009 at 4:25 am

Posted in Environment, Introspection

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